The Prayer
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The Prayer
Here is the Special Blessings Prayer. You can click here to listen to a recording and pray along. Click here if you prefer to listen to the prayer set to music. You can also download and print a copy of the prayer. Dear Lord, If you desire to bless ___________ you will do so whether or not I pray for him/her. But you will not bless me unless I obey your command to bless those who have cursed (thought or spoken ill of me) or hurt me. Therefore, by faith, I choose to bless ____________. I cancel the debt s/he owed me to __________________________. I declare that s/he owes me absolutely nothing. If s/he cheated me out of anything—whether love, opportunity, money or any other blessing including _________________________—I believe you will give me double for my trouble. You will repay me in full and much more. So I release them from the debt. Besides, I now realize I could have responded differently by _______________________________ and had a very different outcome. I see that s/he is doing noble things in the area of ______________. I ask you to bless him/her. I look forward to reaping the blessing I’ve just sown. Thank you for setting me free from the curse of unforgiveness. Right now, in the name of Jesus, I declare that the blood of Jesus covers over the offense and all the sin that resulted. I hereby reclaim any ground given over to the Enemy by my sinful response and I slam the door on his ability to wreak havoc in my life because of it. I declare that greater is He who is in me than he who has used this garbage to gain access to my life. This sin cannot be used against me from this day forward. I am free. Amen
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