Program Overview
Here’s what you can hope to accomplish on this 90-Day Jumpstart: Faith • Complete a comprehensive study of Proverbs 31:10–31. • Memorize the entire passage, one manageable portion at a time. • Discover practical, contemporary applications for this ancient biblical wisdom. • Establish a routine of spiritual disciplines you can follow for the rest of your life. • Develop the habit of daily Bible reading and time alone with God. • Pray ninety Scripture-based prayers, which will have both immediate and eternal impact. • Practice the learned skill of positive prayer journaling. • Cultivate an awareness of the constant presence of God. • Increase your biblical knowledge in a broad range of subjects. Family • Gain practical insight and advice to improve the quality of your most important relationships. Fitness • Begin the habit of a daily prayer walk. • Learn about the powerful impact of diet on your total well-being. • Follow a simple cleansing diet, designed to promote greater vitality and weight loss. Personal Appearance and Fashion • Develop a well-balanced approach to personal appearance. • Determine the colors that look best on you. • Streamline your wardrobe to save time and money. • Discover when less is more, and when more is more! • Learn the keys to age-appropriate dress. Finances and Retirement Planning • Get your finances in order. • Start an automatic savings and investment plan. • Implement a debt-reduction strategy. • Create a retirement strategy. • Study basic financial principles from God’s Word. Household Management • Discover the simple, proven method for keeping yourself and your family on track. • Get your home in order by de-junking, de-cluttering, and creating a realistic, personalized household routine. • Discipline yourself to fulfill your obligations and to do so on time. Ministry • Turn your home into a center of life and ministry. • Make your home a mission sending station. • Incorporate ministry into your life naturally. • Live your life on mission to fulfill God’s purposes for you and the world at large. Business • Study what the Bible says about self-employment. • Discover the importance of developing multiple streams of income. • Get an overview of real estate investments. • Consider various business opportunities. Self-Management • Learn powerful self-management tools guaranteed to increase your personal effectiveness. • Maintain a positive attitude by changing your focus. • Fill your mind with ninety Scripture-based affirmations (personalized statements of God’s promises). • Restore strength and stability to your soul (your inner life of thoughts, decisions, and emotions). Do these sound like worthwhile goals to you? The best part is that we’ll accomplish them together, little by little, using God’s Word and relying on the power of the Holy Spirit. Our motto will be “Little bits with consistency.” Each day will include spiritual actions and practical actions. Spiritual Becoming the woman God wants you to be means, first and foremost, becoming spiritually healthy. To strengthen your spirit, you’ll devote time each day to the spiritual disciplines of Scripture memory, Bible reading, praying Scripture-based prayers, and prayer journaling. All four are described below. SCRIPTURE TO MEMORIZE The first item on your daily journey is your Scripture to memorize. Every week you will be assigned a new portion of the Proverbs 31 passage to commit to memory. At the end of the ninety days, you will have mastered all of Proverbs 31:10–31. (At the back of the book, you’ll find cut-out cards to carry in your purse to help you memorize the verse assignments on the go.) PASSAGE TO READ Each day you will have a Bible passage to read. For your convenience, I’ve printed out the entire text right here on these pages. GUIDED PRAYER Next, you’ll find a Scripture-based prayer derived from the daily passage. Please, don’t rush past these. Instead, slowly pray through each one. I would strongly encourage you to pray them aloud. That way, the words become more than just marks on a page; they become the prayer of your own heart. When you not only base your prayer requests on Scripture but actually turn Scripture into a prayer, you don’t have to worry whether or not you are praying according to God’s will—you are. AFFIRMATION Next, you’ll have a positive statement, or affirmation, to recite. Most of the affirmations are rooted in Scripture and many are simply rephrased Bible passages. Here again, as you observe how I have done this for ninety days, you will be able to transform Bible verses into affirmations on your own. I cannot overemphasize the importance of these affirmations. I believe they are an extremely powerful component of this ninety-day program. Practical Actions God cares about every area of your life, not just the spiritual stuff like prayer. He cares about your total well-being: mental, emotional, relational, and practical. He’s concerned about your home, your family, your career, and your finances. He cares about your physical well-being: what you eat and how you care for your body. The Bible is filled with advice for every area of our lives. Becoming the Woman God Wants Me to Be will address your total well-being in the following ways. IMPLEMENTING LEARNING Each day I will give you some action to take to implement in a practical way what you’re learning. This is your opportunity to apply the force of your will toward a positive end. It’s not enough to think new thoughts or adopt a new belief system; you must take action. Each day we’ll take a small step forward together. KEEPING A PERSONAL NOTEBOOK To follow the program as it is intended, you must begin on a Monday. To keep you busy until Monday rolls around, your first assignment is obtaining your Personal Notebook. Other than this book and your Bible, the most important component of this program is your Personal Notebook. It will become your brains and your base of operations. Rather than jotting things on slips of paper or relying on your memory, you’ll discover how much more effective you can be when you let your notebook do the remembering for you. The only way the Personal Notebook will work for you is if you make a firm commitment to carry it with you everywhere you go for the next ninety days. You’ll have specific assignments concerning your notebook, so you’ll need to purchase the “ingredients” right away. In addition to this personal organizer, which you can buy at an office supply store, you’ll find photocopy-ready forms at the back of this book. All of the forms are also available for download-and-print at www.donnapartow.com/forms. A Jumpstart As you experience this program, it’s important to remember that it’s intended to give you a jumpstart—a fresh start—in a wide variety of areas. It’s not intended to be a comprehensive overhaul of any one area. For example, if your home is a mess, you’ll get a jumpstart toward transforming it into your dream house. But we’re not redecorating it together. If your finances are in disarray, you’ll start to get a handle on things and discover some powerful tools that can set you up for life financially. But you’ll still have more work to do on day 91. And, of course, that’s the whole idea. I want to whet your appetite by giving you a taste of living the Proverbs 31 life so you’ll want to continue the always unfolding process of becoming the woman God wants you to be. I want you to know that I’m excited for you and I’m praying that God will transform your life from the inside out. So let’s get jumpstarted! What You’ll Need What You’ll Need to Get Started Before beginning your 90-Day Jumpstart, you will need to visit an office supply store, personal organization specialty shop or do a google search. Franklin Covey has stand-alone stores around the country. For the location nearest you, visit www.franklincovey.com. Your Personal Notebook is at the heart of the 90-Day Jumpstart. To begin, you will need:- a daily planner/organizer designed to hold 5.5” x 8.5” paper (I purchased a combination binder/purse from an office supply store that works extremely well for my needs. If you cannot afford a professional organizer, purchase a three-ring binder.)
- a 5.5” x 8.5” filler paper
- monthly calendar
- five blank tab dividers
- pocket pages (some with and others without zippers)
- single-hole punch or a hole-punch specifically designed for use with your planner.